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  • 產品資訊


    100% 香港設計

    100% 香港製造

    100% 香港採購deadstock布料


    這個系列的Bianca set從優雅經典的女性上班套裝中獲得靈感,我們採用了更貼合女性身形的剪裁及復古外套常見的肩墊,從而散發出知性的都市女性氣質和體態美。


    由於選用的是本地珍貴的deadstock布料 (一卷布料平均只有20-50碼),我們的產量不多,每一件的做工亦一絲不苟。外套不僅是外面有腰省(waist dart),連裡布亦同樣地裁剪,令它的活動性更高。而且整件衣服都將褶骨邊完美地包裹著,讓它更經得起歲月的洗禮。設計高質耐用的成衣是我們一貫的宗旨,它們更是經驗老到的本地車衣老師傅之匠心傑作。


    ○ 短身而收腰的設計

    ○ 面層為格子羊毛面料

    ○ 底層為彈性舒適棉質裡布

    ○ 兩邊袖子開叉

    ○ 閃爍銀色復古造型鈕扣

    ○ 附有肩墊



    均碼 (S-M)

    長度: 52cm; 底寬: 44cm; 袖長: 60cm; 袖寬: 12cm; 胸圍: 43cm; 肩寬:40cm

    模特身高: 166 cm





    Product information


    100% Design in Hong Kong

    100% Made in Hong Kong

    100% Deadstock fabric sourced in Hong Kong


    Bianca set of AW2021 collection is inspired by classic office lady’s wear. Nevertheless, we used a more slim fit cutting with subtle shoulder pads which are commonly found in 80s vintage jackets, to create the metropolitan chic with ideal body proportion.


    Since we used locally sourced deadstock fabric for this collection (on average 20 to 50 yards per roll), only a small amount, but outstandingly high quality of garments are made. Both the inside and the outside of Bianca jackets have waist darts to raise their flexibility. Also, they have perfectly bounded edges to make them more endurable by the exquisite craftsmanship of experienced local tailors.


    - Crop and slim fit design

    - Wool shell fabric

    - Comfy stretchy cotton lining fabric

    - Sleeves slits 

    - Shiny silver rhinestone buttons

    - Shoulder pads


    One size (S-M)

    Length: 52cm; Hem: 37cm; Sleeves Length: 60cm; Sleeves Width: 12cm; Bust: 43cm; Shoulder: 40cm

    Model Height: 166 cm


    Hand washing is suggested to prevent shrinking of wool material.

    Bianca Wool Jacket

    HK$1,199.00 Regular Price
    HK$1,079.10Sale Price

    New Year Sale

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